Principal Instructor
R. Jason Cronk

CIPT, CIPM, CIPP/US, FIP, Juris Doctor, Privacy by Design Ambassador

With over two decades of experience in principle and trust consultancy, Jason Cronk is a seasoned privacy engineer, developer, author of the IAPP textbook “Strategic Privacy by Design,” IAPP Privacy Engineering Section Leader, and founder and president of the Institute of Operational Privacy Design, which seeks to define and drive the adoption of a common and comprehensive design process standard committed to protecting individuals’ privacy. His knowledge and involvement reaches across the spectrum as an active member of the academic, engineering, legal and professional privacy communities and a pioneering voice in the development of privacy by design. He is also president and principal consultant with the boutique firm Enterprivacy Consulting Group. Whether it is writing books, developing models and frameworks, or training companies and individuals alike, he is tirelessly advocating for privacy across the world. He can be found on Mastodon at

About the company

Enterprivacy Consulting Group has been providing boutique privacy consulting services since 2013 and training since 2015. Need consulting? Check out