Privacy shouldn’t be restricted to the privacy office.

Everyone within the organization can benefit from a better understanding. From your developers to your C-suite, from Human Resources to Marketing. From your architects to your product managers. Even if you have an army of privacy engineers and privacy analyst, they can benefit from an improved understanding of the concepts pertinent to privacy.  We offer a range of learning and growth areas for every level and depth of knowledge, with new courses coming almost weekly! We generally stray away from legal and compliance style courses, finding them dry and unimpactful. Learning should be fun, interesting and insightful! Our courses are mostly developed as self-contained modules that can be installed in your company’s learning management system to make available on-demand for your employees and contractors, either as required learning or for those looking to improve their knowledge and skills. Our course often starts off at a high level with detail and depth available for learners wanted a better understanding.​

LMS Based Courses

  • are available around the world 

  • can be self-paced based on the learner’s availability and learning speed, and 

  • don’t have to be done at a specific time, meaning your global workforce can learn in their preferred time zone.  

Subject Domains

Privacy Design

Target Audience: Privacy Engineers and other Privacy Professionals, Software Developers, Managers, Architects and Engineers.


D100 and D101 courses suitable for all audiences. 


Target Audience: Marketing, Product Designers, UI/UX, Front-End Developers, Interface Designers, Product Managers, Privacy Professionals


Target Audience: Software Architects, Product Designers, Software Engineers, Product Managers, Security Engineers, Privacy Engineers and other Technologists, Database designers and architects

A brief introduction into why privacy design is important for organizations.

D111 - Privacy Design Strategies

Learn about eight common privacy design strategies and 26 specific tactics used to apply them.

Learn about threats and risks, actors and proxies, and normative and tangible harms.

D131 - Privacy Risk

Learn about effective privacy risk assessment using FAIR, a leading quantitative methodology.

D101 - Privacy Harms

Solove’s Taxonomy of Privacy in a normative framework for discussing privacy harms.

D211 - Design Process

Learn the overarching process of approaching design with privacy in mind.

D221 - Proxies and Agents

Learn the overarching process of approaching design with privacy in mind.

D231 - Mitigating Risks

Learn how to map privacy controls to privacy risks, and apply these controls to a threat model.

D201 - Models of Privacy Norms

This lesson extends the privacy harms to discuss other models of privacy norms beyond Solove.

Did you know that the full suite of Design courses are available as part of our Professional Development course offered multiple times a year? 

D321 - Diagramming Threats

Learn how to use a popular online tool to systematically address threats through threat mapping.

D331 - Quantitative Risk Assessment

Dive deeper than D131 in quantifying privacy risks, comparing pre and post control risks, and assessing organizational risk tolerance

U111 - Data Minimization

Learn about the risks and harms inherent to data collection, and the ways to minimize them.

U121 - Consent

Learn about the surprisingly complex topic of consent, and why consent is not what you think.

U131 - Deceptive Designs

Deceptive and manipulative designs are rampant. Learn what they are and how to avoid them.

Learn the guiding factors to consider when designing an effective privacy notice.

U112 - Gender Collection

Explore implications & best practices of gender data collection, including the choice not to collect it.


E101 - Hashing

One-way functions
provide numerous
privacy protections.
This lesson
discusses some of
the use cases for
hashing as well as
common pitfalls.

E111 - Privacy Architecture

Privacy architecture
looks to reduce
privacy risks through
decentralization and
de-identification of

E121 - Privacy Enhancing Technologies

PETs are a set of
technologies which have a primary purpose of preserving or enhancing privacy. This lesson covers the basics of the most popular PETs in use.

E131 - Anonimity, Pseudonymity & De-Identification

This lesson covers the syntactic
dataset measures of anonymity
and their proper use.

E201 - Fuzzy Hashing

Hashing can be very unforgiving. Fuzzing hashing provides a way of preserving privacy while allowing for some flexibility.

E211 - Technical Policy Enforcement

This lesson covers various techniques to technically enforce policies in systems.

E221 - Differential Privacy

An introductory lesson into how differential privacy works and its potential applications.

E231 - Deidentification Techniques

Here we examine the three major techniques for data deidentification including suppression, generalization and noise as well as pitfalls to watch out for such as overlapping.

E202 - Translucent Databases

Often times database needs to be accessible to some, like administrators, who don’t need the underlying data. Translucent database provide protection.

E223 - Secure Multi- Party Computation

An introductory lesson into how Secure Multi-Party Computation works and its potential applications.

Our Pricing

Individual License
through our LMS
(1 year of access)



Organization Licenses

Small (3-99)
Medium (100-999)
Large (1,000-9,999)
Enterprise (>10,000)
1 Year License
1 Year License
1 Year License

Add general privacy awareness lessons from leading provider Teach Privacy. See Catalog.





You may select any of the TeachPrivacy courses as part of your 10 course selection

Contact to Add-On

TeachPrivacy courses must be added separately. Please note your interest in the order form. 

Organizational prices based on no customization and training hosted on your internal company Learning Management Systems (LMS)

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"This course has expanded my understanding of not only the PbD principle, but the overall approach to thinking about privacy threats and risks. "